Lender Handbook

Keep up to date with lender requirements by accessing the UK Finance Lender Handbook via InfoTrack, including alerts to monitor changes. 

illustration of miniature person looking down at big book, with a pen lying across it

With changes occurring in the mortgage market regularly, it’s important to stay on top of the latest information to ensure you’re compliant and avoid delays during a property transaction. The UK Finance Lenders' Handbook gives detailed instructions for conveyancers acting on behalf of lenders in residential conveyancing transactions.

Accessible within the same platform as your other due diligence services, you can view Parts 1, 2, and 3 for all UK Finance lenders in England and Wales via InfoTrack. Keeping up to date with lenders' requirements just became simpler.

close up of person taking notes from reference book and computer

What does the Lender Handbook via InfoTrack offer?

Staying on top of changing instructions shouldn’t be a chore, make it easier through InfoTrack:

  • Search for changes made by the lender to Part 2 since the onset of your transaction and get alerts when a lender updates their requirements.
  • View the complete Lenders’ Handbook for all UK Finance lenders in England and Wales and look for keywords with our handy search feature.
  • Save the lender's answers to your matter and record the date they were checked, to show that their requirements have been reviewed.
close up of the end of an opened reference book with multi coloured sticky bookmarks

What is the Lender Handbook?

The UK Finance Lenders' Handbook gives detailed instructions for conveyancers acting on behalf of lenders in residential conveyancing transactions. The Lenders’ Handbook is split into three parts: Part 1 provides the generic instructions, Part 2 lists each lender's specific requirements, and Part 3 applies when the conveyancer is acting for the lender only. The Lenders’ Handbook related to England and Wales.

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